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<p><a href=”″>MU Climbing Culture</a> from <a href=”″>Multimedia</a&gt; on <a href=””>Vimeo</a&gt;.</p>

Every Wednesday, the MU Climbing Club makes an effort to “get outside and get climbing,” said club president Jake Burgart. The club makes several large trips each year, but it is the weekly small group climbs at Capen, which bond them together as a team. Over the past two years, the club has more than tripled in size, attracting new members and expanding the demographics of the club itself.


The Craft Studio, which is located underneath the iconic Memorial Union towers is showing their support for the Pride Month with their exhibition choice this month. The exhibit, titled “2 Smelly Kids,” is a compilation of cartoons and doodles, which tackles issues such as gender, sexuality, and social taboos in a light-hearted but surprisingly profound manner. Created last year by Mary Margaret, the exhibition has grown in size and content as it explores the fictional relationship between Mary and Zora through a series of humerous doodles. “This is way different than what we normally have,” said Craft Studio attendant Kathryn Eagen. “It’s usually a bunch of paintings, not like this. But this is pretty awesome,” Eagen explained. Many organizations on campus have made efforts to show their support for the LGBTQ community during the month of April, Pride Month.



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Somewhere near the Missouri-Illinois border, on the Illinois side. Landmark on my drive home. I’ll get all four seasons before I’m done here. Pretty midwestern.

parallelism (conceptual short film) from nacho mayals mira, videographer on Vimeo.

I’m not sure I really “get” this film. It won recognition at two different festivals, and with the caption info and the last 30 seconds, I think I get the gist, but it also just kind of looks like a snail to me. HOWEVER, I do find the way that it was made very interesting. I think its a really great use of focus manipulation and depth of field shifts. Also, I think it is a great example of a project that works much better in black and white. I do not think “the videographer” would have achieved the same emotional effect if he had produced it in color. But like I said, this video is pretty weird.

The Inverted Bike Shop from Show Love on Vimeo.

This project has everything that a great human-interest story needs, interesting subject matter & excellent production skills. For me, this video embodies everything that we have been discussing in 2150 over the past few weeks. I thought the sequencing was excellent, the use of detail shots were both informative and visually interesting and that the audio was well collected and edited. Although it may have been a tad too long, it’s not unforgivably lengthy and I did not find it boring. I thought the music was appropriate – very npr.

These images were taken a video shoot I did earlier in the week for my Multimedia 2150 class. I was shooting a traditional Arabic butcher and it was so visually interesting that I could not resist making a few still images. The following are untoned & uncropped as I am attempting to improve my framing abilities, and am forcing myself to shoot without post-processing for a little while. Also – have been working on my skills with detail shots, trying to actually convey information & improve my composition instead of just shooting something really close at f/1.4 and calling it a detail.

I came across this link the other day, and although it’s main purpose is to poke fun at the hipster crowd, I thought it illustrated the power of marketing techniques in an offbeat way. Personally, a career in advertising does not appeal to me. But it’s mostly the sales/persuasion part that doesn’t appeal to me. As a sucker for typography, the graphic design aspect definitely has some appeal.  These mock ads for mundane products are an excellent example of how the way that something is presented can alter your perception of the product.

SOMO (Special Olympics Missouri) hosts two main fundraising events each year. Over the Edge, which is held in the fall, and the Polar Plunge, which takes place in February. This year’s Columbia Polar Plunge raised a record-breaking $77,000. A vast array of community members, from SOMO athletes to Frat boys, to policemen showed up and decked out to show their support. Here are some of my images from the day.

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For the past week and a half, I’ve been volunteering at the Pictures of the Year International competition, which is conveniently located in RJI. It’s been a much more interesting process than I had first expected. As corny as it sounds, it’s impacted me as both a photographer and a person. Each category has something completely unexpected. “Broadened my horizons” is an understatement.

©Donald Weber

Portrait Series : First Place
Donald Weber – Freelance

“Without confessions and guilty pleas, courts everywhere would grind to a halt in an instant; over 90% of all charges in the Russian judicial system end in guilty pleas, and only experienced criminals or highly-educated defendants stand a chance in any justice system. It is not designed to give everyone a fair trial; this is what the cops are doing behind their closed doors— the feudal system’s trial by ordeal is still much with us. Trial by ordeal – that is what is going on here, but closed to the public now.

Each suspect is given space equal to the space of their interrogation room. That is, this piece stays fixed within the confines of the Interrogation Room, describing the people who enter it and leave it, their histories their drama. Young and old, male and female, weak unfortunates and hardened criminals, all.”

Picture. Story. The epitome of a photographic essay. Beautiful photographs. Range, depth, complexity. Pete Souza, the Director of the White House photo office published a book in 2008 titled “The Rise of Barack Obama,” which illustrated the senator’s rise to power in stark, black and white photographs. Looking through, I was blown away by the complexity of the story, which was told by these images. Some of my favourites:
©Pete Souza ©Pete Souza

©Pete Souza
©Pete Souza
©Pete Souza

©Pete Souza

I would put the whole world in black & white if it were up to me.